Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hi everybody,
I got a LTTE on INCOME.Did you get what i mean. Well LTTE means Life Time Tax Exemption. The Government of India has provided me with all kind of exemption on income tax. All you got to do is be a bonafide citizen. Unlike in other civilized and western countries you are liable to pay tax irrespective of any reasoning's. In India you got money to bribe well you get an exemption virtually on anything.

The ROBIN HOOD style was rob the rich and feed the poor. In India it is rob anybody and feed the politicians. My next ambition is to get rid of other kinds of tax like The Beatles sang 'if u drive a car I will tax the street, if u try to sit I will tax your seat.' So next time when I purchase a very costly car I have to approach the authorities to get an exemption on road tax. From the time I purchased a car I don't pay tax. In all I purchased 3 new cars. So this year itself hopefully by next month I am to purchase a million rupee plus car.

Don't thing I saved a lot actually I lost to almost 10 million rupees due to tax exemption and mis behaviour of the politicians. So it is high time I regain what i lost. My only concern is I unnecessarily paid Income Tax for 2 years.
Now I believe it is better to get rid of all your liabilities cos it reasons THE MORE TAX YOU PAY THE MORE LIABLE YOU ARE.